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New Practice Members at
Advanced Chiropractic Life Center

Welcome to Advanced Chiropractic Life Center! Thank you for choosing us to provide cutting-edge chiropractic care that gets incredible results.

From your first phone call to our office, to the care we give, our process is thoughtful, intentional, and caring. Our office is a space that feels more like home than a doctor’s office.

Ready to Get Started?
Submit Your New Patient Request:

New Patient Request Form: This form outlines our unique care, who we help, and what to expect.

Once you submit the form, our chiropractic assistant will reach out to you to schedule your first appointment in our office.

Submit Your New Patient Request Form »

New Practice Member Paperwork: Once you are scheduled for your new practice member and review appointments, you will be emailed confirmation of appointment times and your new practice member paperwork.

New Practice Member Appointment: Your first in-office appointment is your new practice member appointment. You will review your profile form with Dr. Lindsay and discuss your reason for seeking out our care. Our scan technician will test you, and/or your kiddo’s, neuro-spinal stress levels and “body battery” using 3 gentle, non-invasive, and non-toxic nervous system scans. If you’ve connected with us because you have concerns for your kiddo that include past trauma, behavioral issues, and/or emotional meltdowns, we will discuss the type of care we provide, and do scans. We can discuss hard events out of earshot from your kiddo at the next appointment if you prefer.

Review of Results: Dr. Lindsay will go over the results of the neuro-spinal scans, what this means for you and/or your kiddo’s health and, what to expect along the road to healing through neurologically focused chiropractic care. She will create a personalized care plan based on the amount and depth of neuro-spinal stress in your system. This is a great time for parents to sit down one-on-one with Dr. Lindsay to go over the stressors and sensitive topics away from young ears. You’ll go over what to expect at each visit and we will get you scheduled to start care!

Already Scheduled a New Patient Visit? Submit Your Intake Form Here:



Providing Support and Reassurance

If you’ve never had chiropractic care before, you may feel uncertain about what to expect. Or you may come in feeling overwhelmed due to something you’re experiencing. We want you to know that we’ll ensure you and your family feel comfortable, cared for, and listened to. We’ll also provide you with any extra information that you may need.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


New Practice Members at Advanced Chiropractic Life Center | (260) 483-8001